"The Best of The Best Artists and Tools for Learning, Resources, and Inspiration."

- A Personal Learning Compilation by Mya Isabelle Aubin. Please do not take any images off this website especially not without linking back to the original artist as I have done. Refer to these as links and learning tools only. Never Copy anyone's images or Claim them as your own. You know the Drill!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Chances are if you went to a school that teaches animation you've heard of Vilppu. Now he has started an online teaching course which includes a demonstation video.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Detailing by Feng Zhu


"I Draw Girls" Artist

Another Tutorial. This guy has worked on the newer Star Wars movies. He's a master of creating beautiful women. I think faces are his strong point. Considering I work on faces alot, I have alot to learn by studying these awesome speed paintings.


Stephan Cefalo, I think he might be a magician

I am in utter shock of this man, Stephen Cefalo. Simply amazing! Absolutely AMAZING! FANTASTIC!

I wonder what he uses to start on his canvas. Its a nice wash of some sort. If I could have the opportunity to model for this man it would be really cool in exchange for technique. But he lives far away. Best portrait artist I've ever watched paint. So fast. So much energy. As Tony Yin Tak Chu has said to me, "sometime...less is more... spending more time does not mean better result..."


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Unfiles Awesome Links of Recent



Digital Painting a tiger:


Jules Cheret:
The work of Jules Cheret is relevant to the artwork I am doing now. Poster art! I love this guy's work. The best! I think I will study his typography and layout while I do my next peices.

Tutorials by Henning Ludvigsen:
Pretty great to learn detailing and advanced techniques!

f l a p t r a p s a r t . - Richard Anderson

Just stumbled upon a new (or new to me) artist today. Richard Anderson is a master of using every brushstroke to lead the eye dramatically. His work is softly lit with sharp loose strokes that enhances details. I love the strokes!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Terry Miura

Terry Miura, talented landscape artist shares his tips on painting fog on his blog. Check it out!

I needed this lesson. Trying to learn how ton play with atmosphere. It's very difficult. I'm still not mastering it but I've learned quite a bit from his post. Try it out.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Martin Bower

Martin Bower is the talented Model Builder of Alien, Star Trek, War of the Worlds, and 20, 000 leagues under the sea. I think I much prefer the look of models over CG. It really looks life like. Animation often looks better in 3d but everything else in CG tends to look plastic. CG artists could learn alot by trying to mimic the style of this great master. Look at how well these are lit.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Alejandro Jodorowski & Dune


Feuilliton: The Fantastic Art Archive

Everyhthing you need to know about Fantasic Science Fiction Art in the past 100 years and before the millenium hit our creativity.

John Martin's Apocalypse – in pictures

French Architecture

There is nothing more beautiful to me than the Château de Versailles. These buildings have more presence than a face, a voice, a touch. They capture my senses and roll me around in them. I might faint if I saw these in person. Dear God!


Prince of Persia Speed Painting

Final Fantasy Type-O: Official Trailer

The design in this dame looks unreal.

Mike Nash

Mike Nash is a great finisher. It's all perfectly lit. I tend to like to make things look a bit more unfinished but I need to know how to do everything as a concept artist so I'm checking out his tutorials.


Ilya V Painting

Awesome upcoming junior artist to become an instant star animator. His name is Ilya V Something. I used to work with him, sort of. Check out his stuff, and hire him up right away. His use of color is unique and draws the eye so well.

Thinking about Design with Feng Zhu


I'm about 3/4 of the way through his tutorials and I feel like a whole new artist. I have a better grasp and understanding of design, my tools, and lots of excitement and confidence towards all my projects. Thankyou Feng! Amazing man.

The Locomotive