"The Best of The Best Artists and Tools for Learning, Resources, and Inspiration."

- A Personal Learning Compilation by Mya Isabelle Aubin. Please do not take any images off this website especially not without linking back to the original artist as I have done. Refer to these as links and learning tools only. Never Copy anyone's images or Claim them as your own. You know the Drill!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Martin Bower

Martin Bower is the talented Model Builder of Alien, Star Trek, War of the Worlds, and 20, 000 leagues under the sea. I think I much prefer the look of models over CG. It really looks life like. Animation often looks better in 3d but everything else in CG tends to look plastic. CG artists could learn alot by trying to mimic the style of this great master. Look at how well these are lit.

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