"The Best of The Best Artists and Tools for Learning, Resources, and Inspiration."

- A Personal Learning Compilation by Mya Isabelle Aubin. Please do not take any images off this website especially not without linking back to the original artist as I have done. Refer to these as links and learning tools only. Never Copy anyone's images or Claim them as your own. You know the Drill!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Akihiko Yoshida

Akihiko Yoshida for Final Fantasy 12. I like the detailing. I wonder if he does pen and paper or in photoshop. This is the last game I like of the series for concept art. Final Fantasy has its faults but some of the individual work done are masterpeices. This artist in particular seems to always deliver a rich lifelike character design. I rarely see this in game concept art anymore.

Check out that one faded leg! <3

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